Store & Inventory

Q. 1206 :- 10. How to create Indent from MR?

Solutions :-
Indent:-Indent is the type of request for material in case of the less stock in-store department. This request is for the purchasing department for purchasing material.

You can create Indent from MR also can create Direct Indent.

Indent you can create from Purchase and also from store. But approval of the same will be done from the purchasing department only.


For creating Indent from MR follow these steps 


Click on Transaction > Click on MR > Click on Search > Select the box given under Indent Qty. It will prompt you on the page of Indent. The entire item which you have selected in MR will come auto-filled in Indent form. No need to add item and quantity again.

Click on Save.


Note* you can edit the entry before it gets approved.



Last Updated on - 9/24/2019 6:48:46 PM

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